3. 과학뉴스 톡! 단어

과학뉴스 톡! 단어


작성자 운영자
작성일 2016.10.26
조회수 8,301

 특별한 순간을 더 특별하게! '3D 피규어' 인기

Special moment more special! ' 3D figures ' popularity
Nowadays, 3D printer, the output of the actual appearance of the doll to make the so-called "3D figures are referred to as ' popular

The traditional photography of snapping photos and storing digital images has become old school for some South Koreans. Instead, life-like 3D printed figurines are starting to take off. To make a figurine, people stand in a column-shaped booth where more than 100 cameras simultaneously capture two-dimensional photos from all angles. Then, a short two-day wait and the models are ready for pick-up.

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