3. 사회뉴스 톡! 단어

사회뉴스 톡! 단어

Rio runners embody “the Olympic spirit”. . .

작성자 운영자
작성일 2016.08.24
조회수 1,069
게시일: 2016. 8. 16.

Nikki Hamblin helps Abbey D'Agostino finish 5000m after fall. Shelby Houlihan, Abbey D'Agostino advance to Olympic 5K final. New Zealand runner stops to help fallen American in amazing show of sportsmanship. US and New Zealand runners help each other finish after falling on the track. American and New Zealand runners help each other finish race after ugly fall during women's 1500. Nikki Hamblin helps Abbey D'Agostino finish 5000m after fall.~~~~~


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댓글 게시글에 관한 의견을 말씀해 주세요.

"the Olympic can show the athletes' ability, and their true personality as well."
16-08-26 09:16 222.☆.221.172