The drama tells the story of Shin Saimdang (1504-1551),
September 28, 2016 09:52 A new TV series starring two top stars Lee Young-ae and Song Seung-hun is scheduled to air on SBS in January next year, the broadcaster said on Tuesday. The drama has drawn much attention with its star-studded cast and particularly Lee's return to the small screen after a more than 10-year hiatus. The drama tells the story of Shin Saimdang (1504-1551), a renowned artist and writer during the Chosun Dynasty. Lee plays both Shin Saimdang and a present-day art historian, with time shifting to the past and back as the mysteries of Shin's diaries and paintings are unraveled. Song plays a free spirit raised in a strict family, and his life changes after an encounter with Shin. SBS is seeking to broadcast the show in China simultaneouslyLee Young-ae's New TV Series to Air Early Next Year
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