찌아찌아 부족은 어떤 문제를 겪었나요? Cia-Cia Tribe and Hangeul

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작성일 2024.12.16
조회수 124

Cia-Cia  Tribe and Hangeul

What problem did the Cia-Cia tribe have?


Hangeul is an incredibly unique and special language. It is one of the only alphabet systems to have a single creator: King Sejong. The Joseon Dynasty ruler invented hangeul in 1443 to help the common people become more literate. Hundreds of years later, King Sejong’s alphabet is even assisting people in another Asian country to learn their own native language. 

The Cia-Cia tribe is an indigenous group residing in Buton Island in eastern Indonesia. Their language, which is spoken by roughly 80,000 people, does not have its own written form. Instead, it was passed down orally for centuries. 

Because the Cia-Cia language is syllable-based, it is difficult to adapt to the Latin alphabet. As a result, the spoken form of the language was on the verge of extinction. 

Then, in 2009, the Hunminjeongeum Society proposed a project to introduce hangeul to the Cia-Cia tribe. The South Korean organization believed that hangeul could save the Cia-Cia language because it more accurately represented the language’s sounds. 

Textbooks were created and classes were held to teach the new writing system to the Cia-Cia people. Since 2009, exchange programs have been established, and several tribe members have visited South Korea to learn more about the nation’s language and culture. A Cia-Cia dictionary using hangeul characters was even developed and published. 

Today, children on Buton Island learn hangeul in their schools. The program has helped to preserve the Cia-Cia language and strengthen cultural ties between Indonesia and South Korea. 

According to Ilyas, an elder in the Cia-Cia tribe, many words were lost forever because the tribe’s language did not have a written system. Now, he says that his people are using the Korean letters to preserve their language and culture for future generations. 


For Discussion: What do you think is good about hangeul?


tribe 부족/ incredibly 놀라울 정도로/ literate 글을 읽고 쓸 줄 아는/ assist 돕다/ native language 모국어 / indigenous 토착의 / reside in ~에 거주하다 



▪ Talk!! Talk!!

1. What do you think is good about hangeul?

2. How do you feel about the idea of a small indigenous group like the Cia-Cia Tribe adopting a foreign writing system?

3. Do you believe that learning a new language or script, like Hangeul, can help preserve the cultural identity of a community? Why or why not?

4. In your opinion, what might be the challenges the Cia-Cia Tribe could face while learning hangeul, and how can these be addressed?

5. Would you like to see more countries or tribes adopting hangeul as their writing system? What are your reasons for supporting or opposing this idea?


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