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POKEMON-The craze has now hit the UK

작성자 운영자
작성일 2016.07.14
조회수 2,214

POKEMON Go invades Buckingham Palace after a Jynx is spotted


It's not just Dave and Theresa dropping in on the Queen today - 

now Buckingham Palace has been invaded by


a 'racist' POKEMON


  • Nintendo game not officially available in UK but being played by millions
  • Controversial monster Jynx was spotted inside gates of Queen's residence
  • Gown-wearing psychic originally looked as though she had a 'blackface'
  • Gaming site IGN called her 'transvestite midget in racially offensive make up'



Read more:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3688067/It-s-not-just-Dave-Theresa-dropping-today-Buckingham-Palace-invaded-racist-POKEMON.html#ixzz4EKY6uwHx 
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댓글 게시글에 관한 의견을 말씀해 주세요.

Pokemon Go is an 'augmented reality' game for smart phones that allows players to catch creatures by walking around their neighborhoods.
Since its release earlier this month, the game has become a phenomenon.
The free game allows people to catch, train and battle their Pokemon 'in the real world' by walking outdoors and interacting with other users.
Players can also pick up supplies at real-world landmarks that serve as 'pokestops' in the game.
Already, numerous instances of people
16-07-14 10:42 123.☆.246.8