3. 영어뉴스 과정
  4. Newstalk-Junior [1-3]


영어뉴스 Junior 과정

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spread :확산되다. 퍼지다/ false: 틀린, 사실이 아닌/ information: 정보/ theory: (어떤 현상을 설명하기 위한) 이론/ company : Co.. 회사/relate: 관련[결부]시키다


The coronavirus is spreading around the world. At the same time, companies are building 5G internet towers.

Many people believe that it is a plan of important people and governments. There is a lot of false information on the Internet about 5G and the coronavirus.

Some people believe that 5G waves are bad for people´s health. They make people´s bodies weak.

Another theory says that the coronavirus is not real. Governments have a plan. They want people to stay at home. Companies can build 5G towers.

Health officials say that 5G is not dangerous for people. They also say that 5G and the coronavirus are not related. People must think more carefully. They must not believe all what they read and hear.


 Talk!! Talk!! 

1.  What is your opinion about people’s theories on building 5G towers and coronavirus?

2. What are some common conspiracy theories? Do you think they will be proven or proven wrong?

3. Do you think it is possible for global conspiracies  about coronavirus to exist?

4. Do you think that newspapers sometimes cover up events?

5. What are the pros and cons of reading news from the internet?

내 문서
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